These are my latest projects. Managed to make them even tho I was bz babysitting my grandson. My son really wondered how i managed to bring all quilling tools aboard the flight without being caught. old lady with her what-nots...........even had the paper cutter come with me...........hehehe.
Anyway, quilling is not as easy as i thought it would be. The quilling part is easy, what is difficult is glueing it to the card and making sure it is not messy. Even if white glue is used, still the outcome can be a mess if glue is not applied correctly. I used to apply glue all along the quilled paper but now i learnt that it is enough to just apply it to different points.................another difficulty is getting the right size shape every time. i dont have the ruler or board with circles that quillers used. Instead i used this circular tool school children used............and it worked just fine. It costs only RM1.90.
Getting quilling papers the rite size is a problem too if one doesnt have a paper shredder. I plan to get one as soon as the plane touches down in KLIA.............................ooooppps i am landing at 10pm so i guess the shop at cineleisure has to wait for my visit.
But against all of the odds, I managed to get these cards made. Do feast ur eyes on them and if u feel like u really want ur friends to receive such works of beauty (masuk bakul angkat sendiri...................hehehe) dont feel shy..............just give me a call and order.
1. With quilled flowers
SHR 001( HIJAU) |
SHR 001(PEACH) |
2. With ketupat
SHR 002(BLUE) |
SHR 002 (GOLD)
SHR 003 (masjid hijau) |
I have yet to make another improved version of this card. It is done not to my satisfaction.The colour scheme is wrong. I will come up with a beauty................that i assure u. Insyallah.
I have another in the making. I stopped halfway because i realise the colour scheme is not rite...........again......................I have to go for lessons on colour schemes soon or maybe find a website that teaches how to match colours. Anyone of u out there know of such a site pls email me.
Your masjid card is spectacular. Fit to frame actually!